Friday, August 31, 2007

Reflective Writings


Today in class we set up our accounts on and a site called The accounts we set up would further help us in this class to publish posts for homework and other projects that will be required in this class. When setting up these two accounts no problems occurred and everything went smoothly. So now there are two accounts that are properly set up for Health 2 for me to go to and post any information needed for this class.


Today in class we talked about juicing and what our next assignment was going to be. Then later in class we examined the five topics of; Physical, Social, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health. The class went out doors and found different examples for each of these groups, for example when we stepped outside the class the sun was shinning bright which had both a negative and positive affect on us. The sun was a physical health problem because of skin cancer, but also it was a spiritual feeling of the warmth it gave out. When the class returned in-doors we briefly went over juicing and were showed a video which gave us insight on this topic of juicing and that wrapped up the class for today.


What is juicing and why would you want to have juicing be part of a healthy lifestyle?

Juicing can be used for many different affects for a better life style by giving your body the needed amount of protein that your body deserves instead of fast-food. There are many different ways juicing can help change you life by enabling you to lose weight if desired, greater protein for the body, juicing can also be used to prevent different types of cancer and skin issues or internal issues of the body, and the major benefit of just being healthier in life. Juicing can be used in you life style to shed some extra pounds if desired that is, but the added nutrients and protein help give your body the extra boost you need instead of turning to say junk food. “Vegetable juice often helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, a vital factor in diet and nutrition. It has much less sugar than fruit juices and about 50% less calories, yet it will satisfy that sweet tooth every time, encouraging juicing for weight loss.” (
In this passage it states that by juicing with certain vegetables or fruits this will give you an 50% decrease in calories but will hit the spot. There also many different vegetables that you can use to increase your protein intake, like these types of vegetables; celery, spinach, asparagus, string beans and cauliflower according to a website called ( When making a high protein juice make sure you add in a source of raw fat like; cream, raw butter, raw eggs, avocado, coconut butter or flax seeds states (
Juicing is a very important part of being healthy that many people should start doing to prevent different types of cancer, skin diseases or issues and many more internal and external problems. Juicing will enable the person to be healthier, fitter, and more likely to live longer and avoid different types of cancer, or many other issues people face health wise today.


Today in class we were given a survey to fill out about, tobacco, alcohol, exercise, daily eating habits, emotional stress and saftey. When everyone was done filling out their survey the class dicussed and went over each topic of what each one meant. Then the class began watching a video about Breville Juice Fountain Elite 800JEXL and the Jack Lalannes Power Juicer. With both videos viewed we were all able to discover which of the two were the better one to buy, while one was just trying to sell you the product without real facts. The Breville Juice Fountain Elite 800JEXL was the better one out of the two since the video went into depth about how easy it was to assemble, it had a 1,000 watt motor, it made juice in 5 seconds, it only had four parts to clean, and it was assembled with a titanium blade. While the Jack Lalannes Power Juicer only showed how easy it was to put a fruit or vegetable in, and how it made juice in seconds, or if you wanted to loose weight this was the juicer for you, but this video didn’t show how easy or hard it was to assemble or wash really. When both these video’s were finished the class agreed that the Breville Juice Fountain Elite 800JEXL was the better choice, and for the fun of it we watched another video called the Juiceman; which had a catchy trick by adding in a hippo to the buy of their juicer and that wrapped up class for today.


Today in class we went over having our work on time and catching up in class. Then we were shown how to use two different Internet sites called; and Both these sites are considered to have helpful research cites, pod casting, and pictures to help us with further project in and outside our health two class. Then after this was discussed people that had finished their first project presented to the class and that wrapped up September 11 for today.

Today in class some of us presented our projects which gave us some brief information about what each person had done. Then we talked about having assignments that should be due on time, as well as knowing the information that you present to the class, we looked up gout which is a disorder caused by swelling of the joints. Then we watched the new McDonald's chicken nuggets commercial and that wrapped up class for today.

Today in class we had a guest speaker come in and tell us about donating organs. The guest speakers name was Jim, he instructed us on the importance of donating your organs (after you pass on or if your are brain dead) so that other people may have the chance to live. Jim told taught us that the liver is the largers organ inside you body that can regenerate itself in 6 weeks if damage is done to it. He also, told us about his daughter and the choice him and his family had to make to let Andrea go after a car accident happen. Jim told us that she helped save seven people live with the donation of her organs. Then we had a talk about what we learned in class and that wrapped it up for todays health two class.

Today we listened to Ricky's presentation on STI's(sexually transmitted infections). The seven most common STI's are pubic lice, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, herpes, and genital warts. We took notes on all seven of these STI’s and that wrapped up the class for today.

Today in class Ricky came in and presented contraceptives to our class, he told us that there are hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives. The only way to ensure not getting someone pregnant is to not have sex.

Today in class Jen was suppose to present her juice but had none of her ingredients so we started on a different topic of tobacco. So we went to the computer lab and worked on our tobacco project. My topic is the tobacco and four other sections that Mr.Cohun assigned to me it will be due 10/11/07.

Today Josh made a juice using the class juicer. The juice that he made was called the Brain Stimulator. According to the site where he got the recipe you only use 10% of your brain and by only eating coffee and doughnuts everyday then you can go down to 2% in brain activity. The ingredients of the Brian Stimulator juice can raise the brain activity again with juicing with these ingredients for three weeks.

Today in class we went into the computer lab and joined an international chat about drugs and asked questions. Then after asking the questions we wiated to see if they would be answered but found out that we would have to wait a week until we got any information back from that chat.

In class today we went over missing work for some people then began to learng about testicular and cervical cancer. We went over these two subjects all during class and got informaiton and how and what to do to prevent and detect these two types of cancer.

Today we listened to some presentations on tobacco. Smokeless tobacco, like chew is just as bad as smoking cigarettes. It is as addictive as heroine and cocaine, and the same methods that are used to quit smoking can be used to quit chewing tobacco. Nicotine withdrawal is when a tobacco user tries to quit and they can get symptoms that are caused by the lack of nicotine in their body. Symptoms can last from a few days, to weeks or even months. However, there are many health benefits that go along with quitting smoking. Some of these benefits will happen right after you quit smoking and some will take months or years. Breathing will become easier for a smoker after they quit and their blood pressure will also drop.


Jack Cohun said...

Great Posts!Test out your color selections on your post. Some are tough to read.

Jack Cohun said...

Keep these posts coming. Great Job!!

Jack Cohun said...

Good job on your reflective writes. You missed a great speaker who talked about becoming an organ donor. Please talk to someone in class a put up a post. Or see ME and put up a post. I really would like to read your thoughts on this topic.

Jack Cohun said...

You have not posted a reflective write since 9/20.Can you please go back and post and get caught up!!!!