Friday, August 31, 2007

Type One and Type Two Writings

Type Two

The relative topics that we have covered in class on the date of 9/5/07 gave us information on five major topics of health; Physical, Social, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. On this date of 9/5/07 our Health Two class went outside to find examples of all five topics that were covered in class. For physical health three examples were found which were; the sun which could cause skin cancer, a bee that might sting someone causing them to have an allergic reaction and the sport fields which gave players an numerous amount of exercise. The social health examples were only found with two prime examples of; the players on the field’s communication with each other and vandalism found on a sign which communicated a symbol. When the topic of mental health was being discussed two examples appeared from the playing fields where players would have to think mentally of their next moves, and when our class was being timed to get to a green bucket in 15 seconds, we had to think mentally of our strategy to get there in time. For emotional health three examples were found which were; the stress of getting to the green bucket in the given time, the stress of playing a perfect game on the sport fields and the sad scene of seeing liter on the ground. The fifth health topic that was covered was spiritual health in which two examples were found; the spiritual feeling of the suns warmth and the good feeling of being a player on the sport fields. These five topics were all explained and went over when our Health Two was outside, which gave us the information on what each of these five topics of health really meant.